You are worthy of being held
“When you heal, you will also heal your ancestry and when you do, you will become the ancestor who helped heal future generations”

What to expect
The Zen Den provides a safe space built on the foundation of unconditional love, which holds no judgement.
With pure intention, we will integrate a combination of channeled sound frequencies, crystals and reiki to suit individual energetic needs at the time.
Reiki uses what’s known as the universal life force energy to improve one’s energy and flow. This technique utilises a combination of symbols and hands on healing which are transferred through the palms of the hands to the patient in order to encourage emotional and/or physical healing.
Once the session commences you may feel a warmth coming from the hands, a coldness, a flow of movement from the energy, a pulsating from the palms, or some people feel nothing at all. Every individual is different and will experience what they receive in different ways.

Do I need a healing?
If you are new to healing and hold uncertainties, we like to refer to it like a massage for the soul. There is a preconceived idea that something needs to be “wrong” with us for us to need a healing. This couldn’t be further from the truth.
Just like the physical body we encounter experiences which alter the alignment of our body and emotions. This is exactly the same as our energy.
Every experience we encounter past and present impacts our physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. This can make it easy to become out of alignment and imbalanced if we don’t have ways to reset, clear and process emotion.
More often than not we put the needs of others before our own, neglecting ourselves. Normally we finally get that massage once we have pain, tension or an injury, when really our bodies would benefit from regular massages to balance, realign and prevent injury.
Energy work can be compared to this. It would be beneficial for anyone to receive it frequently to balance, realign, clear blockages, process past and present trauma, but we often find ourselves reaching out when we hit rock bottom.

By nurturing your soul with self-care from energy healing, crystals and sound frequencies you will be able to shift lower vibrations, begin clearing denser vibrations, overcome blocks, break free from triggers, process built up emotions and trauma, change the direction of your life, increase the ability to face life’s challenges with heightened conscious awareness which promotes the ease of suffering and so much more.
it is important to note that each individual heals differently and at different speeds. This is an ongoing process.
As clients continue the journey of self discovery through healing and their relationship with themself deepens it offers the opportunity for one to discover their unique gifts and talents. This offers them the opportunity to walk a path in soul alignment following their true purpose if they choose.
Walking a path in alignment with one’s soul brings a deep meaning to one’s life. It is a space which offers profound levels of joy and abundance from within one’s soul.
Majority of clients often emerge feeling restored and uplifted with a heightened sense of peace. Others experience intense shifts, regardless of each individual experience, The Zen Den will support you through the process under sacred space.
When you’re ready you will know and you will feel a pull to get a session. If you’re sitting here reading this then it’s highly likely your body has been drawn here for a reason.
You are worthy of being held!
Community Feedback
“I slept like a baby after my session. I was honestly
gob smacked. It was surreal. I felt good and clear minded after. The session was so good, I wasn’t sure what to expect and I think that’s why I stayed so quiet. It was widely eye opening!” – Sharnae
“Sarah held such a safe & nurturing space for me.
Extremely compassionate, yet powerful healing. I experienced intense release. I was able to finally grieve and move forward
with my life. As I connected to myself more during ongoing sessions I was able to make better judgements instead of from a place of pain which didn't serve me” – Ash